Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your promise preserves my life!

     God is so much stronger than all of these things that are trying to hold me down, the things that I have given power to.  Why is it so hard for me to release them to him, to give him the power over them, the power to destroy them once and for all.  I can feel myself clenching them them so tightly, white knuckled, afraid to let go.  Finances, marriage,'s too much, and yet I can't seem to let go.  Why?  Is it because I don't trust him with them, or that I don't trust his timing in them? 
     Sometimes I feel like I am sinking, that I am so far away from Him and beyond his reach, leaving me with all these things getting heavier and pushing me down deeper and deeper.  I got this vision of me alone, in the middle of the vast ocean, struggling.  Struggling to stay afloat.  The water around me is blue, but the water underneath me is so dark, black.  I am being weighed down by this debree, wood, sticks, garbage...junk.  I am just trying to keep my head above water, but the debree is so heavy. God sees me, he reaches for me but I am too far away, beyond his reach.  I am begging him to pull me out.  I am reminded of that saying, 'the water is rising all around me,' in reference to life just being overwhelming.  But I see it differently.  I don't control the waters, He does.  But I control all the junk I am piling on top of myself, the things that are causing me to drown, the things that are making it so hard to reach out to him.  The WATERS aren't rising, I'M sinking.  The ocean represents life, the blue of the water is life, the natural things we go through.  The black underneath is the distance that finds a way between me and Him.  It's the closer to death I get with every new piece of debree I pile on top of myself.  If I sink to far under, the glimmer of light that always gives me direction to where I should swim towards to catch my breath will dissapear.  The worst part is, is that all I have to do is remove the junk.  I control it, most of it anyways.  I know there are things that I can do to push the debree aside, to get to a place that when I reach out to him, I can see him.  But instead of trying to find my way to him, I'm am struggling to stay afloat under the weight of all the stuff, kicking and flailing about begging HIM to find me.
     There are times when God reaches down and rescues us, pulls us out of the water in one swoop.  He did that when he sent his son to die for us.  In that moment, God pulled us out of the ocean where we were all drowning.  He rescued us.  There are those times when his love for us results in a rescuing, and then there are the times when his love for us allows us to save ourselves using the tools he has given us...His word, prayer, his commandments, worship.  Of course when everything is happening in life, when you are treading rough waters for what seems like forever and the weight of all the junk is weighing you down causing you to sink, we all want a rescuing.  We cry out for God to just reach down and pull us out.  And sometimes he does, but there are the times when he doesn't, and oddly enough, it's BECAUSE he loves us.  I think it's his way of showing us that we are not helpless, that if we trust HIM and his promises, that WE WILL NOT DROWN!!

Psalm 119:50
My comfort in my suffering is this:
Your promise preserves my life.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

At War With Myself

This came out of a devotion I was doing from 2 Chronicles 14-16:10.  There is a lot of meat in these passages but some very specific things spoke to me when I read the story of Asa, King of Judah.  Asa, king of Judah, was a follower of God.   He instituted reforms to rid the land of heathen deities and practices, and removed all the idols his father had made.  He demanded the people of Judah also follow God and obey his laws and commandments.  Because of his obedience to God, and ruling his land accordingly, the land lived in peace and without war for a long time.  Their land was built up and prospering because they were seeking the Lord.  It wasn't until about 10 years into his reign that King Asa encountered his first attacks from troops from Ethiopia.  When this happened, Asa turned to the Lord and relied on Him to prevail.  God defeated the Ethiopians, and Asa and the army of Judah triumphed as the Ethiopians fled. Asa then cleared the land of Judah and Benjamin of all idols. Then the people entered into a contract to worship only the Lord God of their fathers.  Then years later, 36 years into his reign, something changed.  When Baasha, king of Israel went up against Judah, Asa turned to the king of Aram for help (in the form of a treaty) rather than turning to God and relying on Him to carry them through.  It amazes me, just like the woman in 1 Kings 7 who has oil and flour show up miraculously everyday, that Asa who has also seen God's provision in a big way already, still screws up and fails to seek and trust God in his current situation.  
     Wow!  Now as warped as this sounds, I take a lot of comfort in that, because at least I know I'm not alone in my battle to continually place my trust in God.  The part that makes me extremely uncomfortable is where the story goes on to tell how because of Asa's reliance on something other than God, he will be at war over and over again.  Oh man, that's rough!  But isn't that exactly what happens to us when we don't put our trust in God and rely on him to carry us through?  I know it does with me!  I feel like I'm constantly at war with myself, fighting with my own fear and doubt, rather than putting my complete trust and reliance on God.  Until I learn to do that, I know I will be at war, battling to let God take control of my worries and stress.  I want to surrender to him in this way, but why do I always struggle with this?  God has shown me time and time again that He is able, and that He's carried me through times worse that whatever I'm worried about now.  
     Asa was so angry when he was told that because he relied on man and not God, he would be at war over and over, he sent Hanani (the one who delivered the message of war) to prison, and then went on to brutally oppress his people.  I may not be taking out my anger on others, but I'm definitely taking it out on myself.  I get so down on myself for my lack of trust, and it's an ugly cycle that eats away at my confidence and security as a child of God and a follower of Christ.  God does not want me living in this self inflicted oppression.  He sent his son to die for the very purpose that I may live in freedom. 
     God, I ask for your deliverance from this cycle.  Even in my lack of trust, your lover NEVER fails.  You're always waiting for me to surrender to you, and I fight.  I don't want to fight anymore, I'm tired and worn out from this battle of not trusting and wanting to.  God I ask that every time worry and fear enters my thoughts, I can take them captive in your name, knowing fully well that you are strong enough, powerful enough, able and wanting to carry me through to the other side where freedom and peace await me.  God help me not to tear myself down every time I find myself worrying.  In my humanity,  there is where forgiveness lives.  Fear is an emotion you created us to have in order to warn us when danger or evil is near.  It's natural sometimes to fear, amidst trouble in life, but at that point, help me to release it over to your care rather than seek comfort in other people or things.  Thank you for your divine alertness and that I can rely on you to keep me out of trouble- one round of war after another.  I want nothing more than to taste the sweetness of relying on you all the time, every day.

2 Chronicles 16:9 
For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.

My Assurance Verses:
-He knows my name - Isaiah 43:1
-He sees my every move - Psalm 139:7
-He thinks about me - Psalm 139:17
-He is with me - Joshua 1:9
-He will fight for me - Exodus 14:14
-He made me in His image - Genesis 1:27
-He is my safe place - Psalm 62:6-8
-He has a plan for me - Jeremiah 29:11
-He is good - Psalm 119:68
-He is freedom - 2 Corinthians 3:17
-He is always with me - Matthew 28:20
-I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalm 139:14

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Quirks are in the eye of the beholder

So, recently a good friend of mine came and spent some time with me and we had a great time, as we usually do.  But during this visit, I noticed that she was using the word 'weird' to describe me, which isn't totally out of the blue, but she seemed to be using it a lot more than usual, and finally it got to the point where I couldn't just let her label me as 'weird' without arguing my case a little.  Now, I must say that every time she called me weird, she followed it immediately with a hefty laugh, which didn't hurt my feelings, but rather made me want to enlighten her a bit on just how not weird I really am.  Turns out, I pretty much accomplished the exact opposite and not only got her to laugh at me more, but I actually now believe that I AM WEIRD!  In order to soften the blow of this new found 'weirdness', I decided that I can't accept THAT term and I must insist that from this point on we will refer to my 'weirdness' as quirks.  It just seems more endearing that way don't you think?  Me too.  So, all this to say that I now am acutely aware of all my quirks, and it when I think about them I can't help but laugh at myself while simultaneously thinking of all the quirks my future husband will have to have in order to find all my quirks endearing.  As I was sitting in my living room, I started to make a mental note of all my endearing quirks and I felt that for some odd reason I needed to write them all down on paper, magical internet paper that is, ie a blog.  (P.S. I am using 'endeering' repeatedly in order to make sure you realized that my quirks are in fact that, endearing). I am not sure why I felt the need to write them down, maybe it's just so that I can appreciate all the little things about me that will set me apart from all others.  So with that, here are some of my quirks that you might find aren't that weird at all and some that you can relate to, which in that case, you are also probably weird, oops... I mean quirky.
      *First awesome fun fact about me, I make it a personal goal every time I peel an orange, to get the peel off in one whole piece.  I don't know why, but it makes me feel so accomplished.  My own little 'Rocky' moment you might say.  Although, I don't hear 'Eye of the Tiger' while I'm peeling my orange, I'm not a total freak, geesh.  I actually feel a little disappointment when my peel breaks apart before I'm done peeling.  Why is this?  I'm not sure, but it's cute right?  Right?
     *Second, I cannot stand to eat ice cream if it's it's not near frozen solid.  I mean, my ice cream goes through a test of sorts before being opened.  I do this thing where I squeeze the container, and if at any point I can feel the ice cream move or soften whatsoever, it's back to the freezer!  There are those people who sit their ice cream out on the counter before serving in order to make it easier to scoop, and this is what I like to call blasphemous.  I mean at that point, let's just call it what it is...sugary milk soup.  I choose sweat and blisters on my hands over soft mushy ice cream any day.  Ick.  But, I also have an aversion to lukewarm things, like soup for instance.  My soup better be sweltering hot or get it away from me.  Same goes for coffee, tea, hot cocoa...etc.  Tell me I'm not the only one here.  I tried convincing my friend this does not make me weird, just simply....right.  She wasn't having it though, and personally I think she's just jealous of how this aversion to lukewarm things obviously make me super spiritual (See Rev. 3:16).
     *Endearing quirk numero tres, I refuse to have smelly feet.  I mean, you might be thinking, "okay Rylie, this isn't weird, this is just good hygene," and I would agree with you, but it goes beyond that.  I live alone, and I could get away with just coming home and kicking off my shoes and relaxing, but  nope.   If there is any hint of oder coming from the footal area, it's a quick rinse in the tub with soap for my feet.  I don't care if nobody else is around, it's happening.  And, I'm proud of my non smelly feet:)
     *Okay, it's time to risk being completely made fun of, if I haven't already, and share with you my fear of moths.  Yes, you read right...moths.  I know, I know, it seems crazy to you.  But, what if I told you I thought you were the crazy one because you WEREN'T afraid of moths?  Seriously, they are hairy and they flutter all up in your face and they are hairy.  I will dodge and weave like Mike Tyson whenever a moth comes anywhere near me.  And don't give me that "they are just like butterflies" shpeal.  I don't see butterflies attacking unsuspecting people who are out for a romantic walk and stop for a moment under a lamp post to sneak in a quick kiss.  I mean, that's never happened to me, but I imagine that would pretty much ruin the moment, and I don't want to have to see the look in that persons eyes when they realize that I have a fear of moths.  Don't judge me!
     *Something else that I feel I should share with you...I secretly beleive that I am partly responsible for the succes of the band Hanson. I know I know, it sounds crazy but it's true.  I distinctly remember the moment I was at my dads house during one summer and the song 'Mmmbop'  came on the music channel on tv, and I pretty much thought it was the greatest song ever, and I danced my socks off to it.  That was also in the days before itunes and instant song gratifacation, so I would literally wait all day for the song to come on again.  You might be thinking to yourself, "Rylie, that song is lame and the word 'career' is debatable in relation to Hanson," and to that I would say you are wrong.  Clearly that song is AWESOME and Hanson went on to have many more hits know that Anyways, all that to say that at the time I heard that song, no one had heard of Hanson and the geniousness of 'Mmmbop'.  I returned to my hometown at the end of the summer and I feel like I brought that song to the masses....of Lakeview.  I played it for all my friends and made them believers.  So, CLEARLY I had some part in the super succesful career of Hanson.  I'm still waiting for my name to appear in the credits of their 'greatest hits' album.  I might be waiting a long time, but I believe it's worth it.
     *And the last quirk I have to share with you is this, I still think the song 'Mmmbop' is one of the greatest songs ever written, and it makes me incredibly happy whenever I hear it.  Again, don't judge me.

Well there you go, a short list of all my quriks.  I am choosing to celebrate them and be proud of my uniqueness, even the thing that makes me unique also makes me weird.  I hope if nothing else, you got a good laugh, and can pinpoint some of your own quirks and take a minute to appreciate them and maybe share some in the comments section.  Us weirdos need to stand together.

Oh one more thing, this quote is most definitely my take on love:
 “We’re all a little weird. And life is weird. And when we find someone 

whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into 
mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.”